Manage Your Medication and Get Active!

medication management

Manage Your Medication and Get Active! Medication Management After a long winter in the Midwest, the warm spring weather is so welcome! I will find any excuse to get outside and get my body moving. I know we are limited by this quarantine, but I am trying my best to stay physically active (while social […]

Fall Weather And Flu Season

Tissues for the flu season

The leaves are changing, and the air is getting crisp, which means that the flu season is getting closer and closer. Flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter months. Influenza activity typically begins to increase in October and November, but peaks between December and February. However, the flu season can stick around […]

New Week. New Resolutions.

Yes, it may be the middle of September. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t start new resolutions. It can be pretty easy to lose sight of what our New Year’s Resolutions were. Just because you faded off track doesn’t mean that you can’t start again. You don’t need the start of a new year […]

Cheers to Game Day

football game

If you have any type of social media, you’re now well aware the beloved American football season is back in action. Whether you’re an avid fan, could care less, or hate the sport it can be hard to avoid it during this time of year. Between it showing at the bars, friends talking about it, […]

Organize Your Life (And Health)

A lady writing in her calendar

The Minnesota State Fair, Labor Day, and back to school is all upon us (insert excited, nervous laugh because the year is going by too fast). Summer is quickly coming to an end and already has for many students. Some might be lucky enough to have one last weekend of freedom. I never got to […]

Discreet At The Dinner Table


If you tuned in to our Facebook Live video yesterday, then you’ll already know a little about this blog. You can just tell your friends that you’re psychic and knew what GMS was going to talk about. This blog is about all things dinner, food truck festivals, brunch, and any place that involves food. If […]

A Hard Pill To Swallow

Pill Swallowing Cup

Life can be a hard pill to swallow some days. Things seem to go awry all at the same time or it’s that day where you just keep spilling everything (me this morning…. Insert eye roll. I definitely came into work with an avocado mark on my shirt today). The saying, “it’s a hard pill […]

Baby You’re A Firework

Pill cases in firework form

Did you sing Katy Perry this week as the fireworks launched up into the sky? I’m guilty because I totally belched this song out at the top of my lungs and then went oooooohhh aaaaahhhhh as the firework burst into mesmerizing colors. What can I say? Science just fascinates me. Or did you miss some of […]

Buzz Your Way Into Safety

Allergic Reactions EpiPen Nefcase

Remember when you were little, and you saw a fuzzy bumble bee and you just wanted to grab it?! It looked so cute and tiny. Eventually, you forgot that it would sting you because you were just so infatuated with how it buzzed around the pretty flowers. So, you do the only logical thing and […]

Keep Calm and VitaCarry On

display the vitacarry

It’s the first day of Summer and you’re cruising down an empty highway, windows down, throwback songs cranked up. Your dog is sticking his tongue out the window in the seat next to you. You’re headed for a weekend of hiking in the mountains. (Or woods, depending on where you live…there are definitely no mountains […]